I am amazed that people who profess to be believers don’t actually believe the Bible. They will disagree with that statement. They will say they do believe, just not all of it. Some things they just don’t believe to be true. Some things they say they believe, but their lives say differently.
The sky is blue. Fire is hot. Ice is cold. Which of those would you decide to believe as fact and which would you say is not? Are any of those statements true for some people, but not for everyone? How can you say the same for the Bible? We don’t get to pick and chose what we want to believe to be truth. If it is in the Word, then it is truth and we are responsible for answering to it.
Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. (Ps 119:89) All of heaven knows that the word of the Lord is true. Will you stand before Him and disagree? If you have issues with what the Bible says, then you have issues that need to be cleared up. False teaching, prejudice, and pride can skew what is true. Do not be led by lies if your faith is not founded on what God has said.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgement. (Ps 119:105-106)